Looking for information and support for yourself and a loved one or someone else in your care?  Search our online resource database for Caregiving and Respite Resources or contact a member of our ADRC team for personalized assistance.

Families and other informal caregivers provide essential support to older persons and persons with disabilities throughout the Delaware. Grandparents and other relatives raising another person’s children also devote much time and energy to their caregiving responsibilities. Caregivers often need support to care for their loved ones and themselves effectively. We are here to support you! For additional information or to get support for caregivers, visit the Caregiver section of the DSAAPD website.

For more personalized assistance, call the Delaware ADRC during regular business hours and one of our knowledgeable ADRC team members will help you.

Search ADRC Resources using the online resource database

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Use our Keyword or Guided Search options to find aging and disability resources in Delaware.

Fill out our online request for information and one of our team members will respond to you in 1-3 business days

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Know what you need? Submit a referral request and our team will connect you with those who can help you.

call the Delaware ADRC anytime, 24-hours a day, 7-days a week to get assistance with aging and disability resources


Call our team anytime, toll-free at
1-800-223-9074 or use the Delaware Relay 711.

Use our Keyword or Guided Search options to find aging and adult disability resources throughout the First State.

Search by Provider Name
    Wheelchair icon

    Assistive Technology

    Caregiver Support "Heart"

    Caregiver Support

    Financial Assistance resources in Delaware ADRC database

    Financial Assistance

    Food Programs for older adults and people with disabilities

    Food Programs

    home care resources in the Delaware ADRC database

    Home Care

    Legal Assistance, protective resources, and other helpful resources

    Legal Support

    mental health support and services in the Delaware ADRC database

    Mental Health

    transportation resources in the Delaware ADRC database


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