Beebe Medical Center, Gull House Adult Daycare

The Gull House Adult Daycare program thru Beebe Medical Center is a structured and supervised daytime Adult Day Care  designed for functionally impaired persons. The Gull House cares for physically and mentally impaired adults, providing care for the physical, social,...

Cape Henlopen Senior Center Incorporated

Cape Henlopen Senior Center (CHSC) provides general information, referral services and recreation for senior citizens such as billiards, fitness room, cards, art classes, bingo, line dancing, Tai Chi, Tai Chi Yang Style Form 24, Zumba Gold, Yoga, Fitness Circuit...

CAMP Rehoboth Community Center

Camp Rehoboth seeks to promote community well being on all levels, fostering the development of community groups and space, promotion of human civil rights, work against prejudice and discrimination, lessening the tensions among the community at large and to help...

Cape Henlopen Food Basket

The Cape Henlopen Food Basket (CHFB) is an emergency food service that provides assistance to anyone needing help within the boundaries of the Cape Henlopen School District in Sussex County, Delaware.  We provide needy families a 10 day supply of canned and frozen...

Cape Henlopen Food Basket

The Cape Henlopen Food Basket (CHFB) is an emergency food service that provides assistance to anyone needing help within the boundaries of the Cape Henlopen School District in Sussex County, Delaware.  We provide needy families a 10 day supply of canned and frozen...