Looking for information on services and support for yourself? Search our online resource database or contact our team to get personalized assistance.
If you are seeking general information, assistance or referral for yourself or someone else, we are here to help. The Delaware
ADRC is the front door to the State’s diverse aging and disability service network. We provide information, assistance or referrals to long-term services and supports available throughout our statewide network. Our services are free, confidential, and available in multiple languages, and our team is available 24-hours a day, 7-days a week to assist you over the phone.
Click here, to get personalized assistance from one of our helpful resource specialists.
Search Resources
Use our Keyword or Guided Search options to find aging and disability resources in Delaware.
Submit Online Request
Know what you need? Submit a referral request and our team will connect you with those who can help you.
Call our team anytime, toll-free at
1-800-223-9074 or use the Delaware Relay 711.
search the resource directory
Use our Keyword or Guided Search options to find aging and adult disability resources throughout the First State.
Assistive Technology
Caregiver Support
Financial Assistance
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