CHILD Inc., Victims Therapy

The Victims Therapy Program provides individual therapy to victims of intimate partner abuse. The primary goal of the program is to empower victims to avoid the continuation of abuse.

CHILD Inc., Offenders Intervention Services – Men

The Domestic Violence Intervention for Men Program helps men who batter to recognize the causes for their abusive behavior and learn ways to change old patterns. This is a 20 session program. Participants may be men on probation, court-ordered or men who need help...

Community Mental Health Center – Wilmington

CMHC provides outpatient mental health services including assessment, treatment and placement/referral services for consumers with mental health concerns and/or co-occurring disorders. Dependent on need and level of care required services may include individual...

Division of Public Health, Safe Arms for Babies

Safe Arms for Babies is a law that allows for the surrender of a newborn (14 days old or younger) to emergency department staff in any Delaware hospital emergency department. Under this law the person surrendering the baby will not be subject to criminal prosecution...