21st CCLC Bancroft 2022 Summer Program

The 21st Century Community Learning Center will provide academic and enriching activities during the 2022 Summer Program from Tuesday, June 28, 2022 through Thursday, August 4, 2022. A multitude of activities from STEAM, Math, Literacy, SEL, Health and Wellness,...

West End Neighborhood House, Youth Development Department

West End’s Youth Development Department is a multi-service program that helps youth (ages 5-17) maximize their positive potential by decreasing drug addiction, alcohol abuse, smoking, street violence and drop-out rates and improve parental relationships with...

West End Neighborhood House, Administration

West End Neighborhood House, Inc. (West End) is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping individuals achieve self-sufficiency, reach and maintain their maximum potential.West End serves over 10,000 individuals in the areas of education, employment and training,...

21st CCLC Stubbs Summer Program

The 21st Century Community Learning Center will provide academic and enriching activities during the Summer Program . A multitude of activities from STEAM, Math, Literacy, SEL, Health and Wellness, Crafting, Drone Programs, Trips and Get Delaware Reading for Literacy,...