Hope Lodge is a reflection of the American Cancer Society’s commitment to improving the quality of life of cancer patients and their loved ones. Hope Lodge is a “home away from home” made available at no cost to patients undergoing active outpatient treatment for cancer. Hope Lodges are located in Atlanta, GA, Baltimore, MD, Charleston, SC and Greenville, NC. Atlanta, GA: The Winn Dixie Hope Lodge is the largest in our division with 34 guest rooms. The land for this lodge was donated by Emory University.Baltimore, MD:Located in downtown Baltimore this lodge is a short drive from Johns Hopkins Oncology Center. The property is leased from the University of Maryland. It has 26 guest rooms. Charleston, SC: The J. Henry Stuhr Exchange Club of Charleston and Barbara & Edwin S. Pearlstine, Jr. Hope Lodge is located in historic downtown Charleston and is the nations first Hope Lodge. It has 8 guest suites. Greenville, NC: The McConnell-Raab Hope Lodge opened in 2002, making it the newest in our division. It has 20 guest suites. Hope Lodge Connections — Hope Lodge Connections are not stand-alone facilities. Allowing for day and/or overnight guests, these Hope Lodge Connections are located on medical facility campuses and are a part of the community hospital setting. There are two Hope Lodge Connections in the South Atlantic Division. Duke houses a pediatric day respite facility and Atlanta Medical Center has a 12 suite overnight adult facility. The Hope Lodge Connection at Mission’s Children’s Hospital in Asheville, NC will be a pediatric day respite facility.