The Beautiful Gate Outreach Center (BGOC) offers free, rapid (same day results) HIV testing services while also providing over 20 supportive services for those living with HIV. The supportive services include but are not limited to: support groups (Caring Hearts-for men & women, Karen’s Dreamgirls-for women only and Mike’s M.I.M.E.-for men only); on-site medical care provided by Christiana Care Wellness; transportation to medically related appointments; a clothing closet; home and hospital visitation; certified chari massage therapy and one-to-one counseling. BGOC staff and volunteers are committed to providing quality services and education to persons infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. HIV prevention is offered to the general community through educational presentations to all age groups, street outreach, and faith community ministry development & mentoring. Staff members have been trained and certified by the State of Delaware Division of Public Health. ALL SERVICES ARE CONFIDENTIAL AND FREE. (Free condoms are availabe during all office hours)