A comprehensive statewide program that provided education and support services designed to strengthen families and improve outcomes for children. Two programs are offered:1. Parenting ClassChildren come without Instructions Series- A 6-part interactive class series designed to provide information and skill development for effective parenting from a positive parenting perspective. Three curriculums are offered, each focus on a specific stage of development: Birth to Three, Children Come Without Instructions (ages 4-11) and Teens Come Without Instructions (ages 12-18). The class satisfies the ‘Parent Class Requirement’ for the following agencies: Department of Social Services/ TANF, Division of Families Services (DFS), and Department of Correction/ Probation & Parole. Parenting classes are offered statewide. These classes are offered free of charge and open to all interested caregivers. To find a class near you, visit www.childinc.com2. Family Court SeminarChildren Cope with Parental Separation- This 2-part seminar is required by Family Court for those filing for divorce, separation, custody or visitstion. This seminar is offered in Kent and New Castle County. There is am $70.00 fee for this program. Pre-registration is required. More information at www.childinc.com