DART First State provides transportation services throughout the state. In addition to their fixed-route transportation services, there are a number of specialized transit programs.Kent County and Sussex County routes operate Monday through Friday, 6:00a.m.-6:00p.m. New Castle County routes operate Monday through Friday and offer rush hour, mid-day, limited late night service, and limited Saturday service. All buses are wheelchair lift equipped, call one day in advance for a wheelchair equipped bus.Additional resort area transit operates 7 days a week between Memorial Day and Labor Day. All buses are equipped with wheelchair lifts and bicycle racks. Route 305, Beach Connection, provides service between Wilmington and the Rehoboth Beach Park & Ride lot on weekends and holidays from Memorial Day to Labor Day.SEPTA R2 commuter trains connect Newark, Churchmans Crossing, Wilmington and Claymont to Philadelphia and intermediate stations in Delaware County, Pennsylvania. The R2 train operates Monday through Friday, offering rush hour, mid-day, and evening service with limited Saturday service in some areas. Please call (800) 652-DART for information.Inter-county Routes 301 and 303 operate Monday through Friday, offering connections to New Castle, Kent and Sussex County fixed route services and to the Wilmington Train Station. An express service operates for commuters between Wilmington and Dover. All buses are wheelchair lift equipped.Park & Ride/ Park & Pool lots are designated parking lots available throughout the state to park your car and ride a bus or carpool. Secured bicycle lockers are available for rent at some Park & Rides in New Castle County. Call (800) 652-DART for information.Disabled or senior citizen riders are eligible for reduced fares. Eligible riders must show Medicare or DART Reduce Fare Identification Card when boarding the bus. DART First State offers free transportation services to legally blind passengers. Riders must display photo identification card from the Division of the Visually Impaired. To be certified, contact the Division for the Visually Impaired at (302) 255-9800. Parents or guardians who accompany disabled or visually impaired children must pay full fare.The Register For Your Future program offers free rides to register in James H. Groves Adult High School, Adult Basic Education or Even Start Classes. Call (800) 464-HELP for information.Operation Lifesaver Delaware provides railroad crossing and right-of-way safety awareness. In Wilmington, call (302) 577-DART extension 3413 or in Dover, call (302) 739-DART extension 3413 for information.Specialized transit programs are available for persons with disabilities, senior citizens, new employees, and job applicants. Please call DART First State for information.