The mission of the Delaware Department of Agriculture is to sustain and promote the viability of food, fiber, and agricultural industries in Delaware through quality services that protect and enhance the environment, health and welfare of the general public. The programs and areas of regulation include:Pesticides Application Cooperative Forestry Assistance, Food Products Inspection Forest Health Program Forestry Management Practices Liming Materials Regulatory Program Noxious Weed Control Program Nursery Licensing and Certification Agricultural Marketing Planning and Lands Preservation Foundation, Apiary Registration and Inspection Poultry and Animal Health State Forest Land Management Urban and Community Forestry Program Wildland Fire Suppression and Control Weights and Measures The Delaware Forest Service, part of the Department of Agriculture, manages three state forests totaling over 15,000 acres: Blackbird Forest near Smyrna, Taber Forest near Harrington, and Redden Forest near Georgetown. Blackbird and Redden contain our northern and southern field offices, outdoor educational trails, and wildland fire suppression equipment. All three state forests are open to the public for a variety of recreational activities, including hiking, horseback riding, and in-season hunting.