Crest is a six month residential treatment program for drug and alcohol abusers. It is based on the concept of a therapeutic community, a total treatment environment, for offenders with a history of substance abuse. For the first three months of the program, offenders are not permitted to leave the facility until they have successfully completed this period of the program. Offenders are immersed in substance abuse treatment, therapy, and counseling. Security personnel escort them to off-site court appearances and medical appointments. During the second three months of the program, offenders are permitted to leave the facility unescorted to job seek, work, go to outside medical appointments or to attend court appearances. Treatment continues through this second three month phase. The Crest Primary Program at the Central Violation of Probation Center in Smyrna is for offenders who are in the first three months of the program; Crest Central is the second three-month phase; and Crest North and Crest South accommodate offenders for the entire six months of the program. The Crest Program is administered by CiviGenics (302)739-1538.