Family Court holds jurisdication in all juvenile (under 18 years of age) and family matters, including juvenile deliquency, misdemeanors committed against juveniles, divorce and annulment, property division, alimony, enforcement of separation agreements, child custody and visitations, termination of parental rights, adoption, nonsupport of dependents, paternity, child abuse, neglect, or dependency and intra-family crimes. Litigants may file for an Order of Protection from Abuse (PFA), and if there is immediate danger, an emergency (ex parte) hearing can be arranged that same day. Court Liaisons are the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families (DSCYF) representative in family court. The goal is to ensure advocacy for the child and family to facilitate smooth interaction between court and DSCYF. Liaisons are available to represent DSCYF in court and ensure a unified case plan is prepared prior to presentation to court. At the FAMILY COURT RESOURCE CENTER, located at Family Court, litigants have access to resources to help them through the judicial system. Resources include: court forms, instructions, educational materials, a data bank of attorneys who are willing to represent a litigant on a specific area of the law, notary services, computers, a photocopy machine, a fax machine and other equipment to enable litigants to prepare for their cases at one location. For further information about The Resource Center, litigants may call the main number for Family Court listed above.