The Newark Senior Center is a large, very active center with many programs and activities for seniors over 50 years of age. A variety of activities are scheduled daily for members to enjoy. Activities offered include, trips, exercise classes, fitness room with supervision, arm chair fitness, chorus, bridge club, variety of card games, line dancing, discussion groups, art classes and computer lab.The center includes the Perry Education Wing, the fitness center, and the Meals on Wheels office. The center also has a large aquatic program that includes recreational swimming, lap swimming, and a special program for those with arthritis. There are prevention programs and speakers who come frequently to provide programs on topics such as support groups, flu shots, a home repair program, adult day services, many educational opportunities, tax preparation, AARP driving classes. There may be a small fee charged for certain programs. Transportation is provided to the center. Transportation services extend to Limestone Road, Route 273 to the Maryland state line, Route 40 to Porter Rd and Route 896 to the Pennsylvania state line. Newark Senior Center is located on a DART public transportation route. There is a delicious noonday meal, not for members only. A small fee, however, is required. Meals are served cafeteria style.Please call the center for additional information on specific programs or services.